As ediscovery evolves, it’s imperative to refine your approach to keep efficiencies in place and stay up to date with advancing technologies. One way to optimize your eDiscovery response is through proportionality and accurately estimating the practical costs and burdens.
During this ALM Webinar, sponsored by DISCO, a panel of experienced litigators and technology experts will explore strategies to achieve and operationalize proportional discovery. Attendees will learn:
- How discovery obligations and strategies have evolved over time
- How to leverage and evaluate legal technology to right-size your ediscovery response
- Best practices and latest trends for proportional ediscovery
- William Wallace Belt, Jr., Esq., Managing Director, Consulting, CDS
- Anush Emelianova, Esq., Product Marketing Manager, DISCO
- Rebecca Matsuma, Litigation Counsel, Ripple
- Dave Shargel, Partner, Bracewell
To register, visit https://bit.ly/3dBw3WM.