CDS is proud to be a Gold Ambassador for The EDI Leadership Summit, a synergetic meeting designed for and by leading minds in legal technology. EDI offers a relaxed, open environment where attendees benchmark with peers while enhancing their understanding of eDiscovery, legal technology, and the practice of law.
The program includes in-depth discussions on advanced topics designed for corporate legal teams and eDiscovery practitioners. On Friday, October 14th, Bill Belt, Managing Director, CDS will lead a discussion on “In-House Strategies to Operationalize Proportionality.”
The panel will discuss the impact of the 2015 FRCP amendments that promoted Proportionality on corporate in-house teams. After the initial momentum towards implementation faced strong headwinds, recently, progress toward operationalizing Proportionality has accelerated as those involved in managing ESI through the litigation lifecycle have identified better tools and workflows that breathe life into Proportionality concepts. The panel will discuss strategies they have developed and deployed to operationalize Proportionality, and the work to that still needs to be done to achieve the “promise” of proportional Discovery. William W. Belt Jr. of CDS will lead the discussion between Kevin Behan of Yum Brands, Sonya Judkins of T-Mobile, Henry Link of Meta, and Graham Rollins of Capital One.
For more information and to register, visit www.edisummit.org.