

CDS Forensics Team Stats

CDS’s forensics team has worked on projects in all 50 states, in all EU member states, and in locations across six continents

The team has over 125 years of combined investigative experience

CDS is capable of complete or targeted collections from a full range of data sources

CDS’s forensics team has worked on projects in all 50 states, in 27 of the 28 EU member states, and in locations across six continents

The team has over 100 years of combined investigative experience

CDS is capable of complete OR targeted collections from a full range of data sources


CDS Forensic Services focuses on the preservation, recovery, and collection of electronically stored information (ESI). Working with our eDiscovery Project Managers and Client Services teams, as well as directly with our clients, our dedicated forensics experts and legal professionals ensure that data is collected securely and accurately for optimal defensibility. 

With over 125 years of combined expertise in computer forensics, the CDS Forensic Services team is uniquely equipped to handle the most sensitive cases, including matters involving intellectual property disputes, employee misconduct, and breach of contract. The Forensic Services group is also available for stand-alone forensic investigations and data retrieval projects.

Forensics Services

Data Assessments: We provide consulting services to help clients understand and map their data sources and devise a strategic approach to information governance.

Computer Forensics: Our forensic experts conduct extensive forensic investigations and produce practical and defensible findings reports. We can also provide in-person and written expert testimony, certifications, and declarations supporting all forensic analysis.

Data Collections: CDS deploys tested, repeatable collection strategies to execute the collection method best suited for each matter. We can acquire data from a multitude of cloud and on-premises platforms, using both remote and onsite processes.

Supported data sources include

  • Laptop and desktop computers (PC, MAC, Linux)
  • Email (corporate and personal)
  • Chat applications (Teams, Slack, etc.)
  • Collaborative platforms (Jira, Confluence, etc.)
  • External media (hard drives, CD, DVDs, etc.)
  • Servers (Windows, Linux, UNIX, etc.)
  • Cloud storage (Office365, Google Drive,, etc.)
  • Mobile devices (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, etc.)
  • Social media applications
  • Websites

Forensic Collection Methods

Remote Collection Kits: CDS experts will equip custodians with encrypted hard drives and purpose-built secure workstations to conduct remote data collection and preservation imaging for various types of data. Preserved data is encrypted during the transfer process and sent to CDS forensic labs for data extraction and analysis.

Fully Remote, No Kit Required: CDS can provide fully remote mobile device, PC, and Mac captures, without the need to ship hardware. Simply connect the mobile device to a PC or Mac, open a link to download a pre-configured software package. If the device image is too large for online transfer via CDS Secure FTP storage and/or the device owner has an unstable internet connection, the image can be made to encrypted media and sent to a local CDS office.

Cloud Data Collection: CDS experts are experienced in performing defensible data collection from clients’ cloud applications and storage sources, e.g., M365, Google Workspace, Slack, Salesforce, email archiving platforms, etc. Capture methods include using cloud forensics apps on dedicated, secure workstations, or with direct access to the client’s cloud data sources for documented, defensible data export processes.

Onsite Data Collection: Some circumstances require onsite collection, like Search and Seizures. CDS experts are prepared to perform onsite data collections onsite at the custodians’ locations around the world at short notice.