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Vetting eDiscovery Tools and Technology

Vetting eDiscovery Tools and Technology

eDiscovery is not one size-fits-all. Organizations can deploy a wide range of eDiscovery tools, but what should practitioners consider when it comes to selecting a new technology?

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Managing Slack Data Volumes in eDiscovery

Managing Slack Data Volumes in eDiscovery

For nearly a decade, CDS has managed Slack data in client matters. As we’ve worked on more and more Slack cases, trying different applications and formats, our data specialists recognized we needed a robust tool to deal with the nuances of Slack exports.

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Streamlining Review of Short Message Data for Investigations 

Streamlining Review of Short Message Data for Investigations 

Chat platforms benefit employee collaboration, but short message data formats also present unique challenges to courts, eDiscovery practitioners and internal compliance teams tasked with running investigations. Fortunately, advanced data visualizations can be used to streamline the review of short message content data for investigative purposes.

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How eDiscovery Software Accelerates Data Breach Response

How eDiscovery Software Accelerates Data Breach Response

After a data breach is discovered, notification becomes essential. Companies are under tremendous pressure to determine what data has been taken and who they must notify, sometimes in as little as 72 hours. That’s where eDiscovery expertise can make a key contribution.

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Data Visualizations Drive Better Results in eDiscovery

Data Visualizations Drive Better Results in eDiscovery

Visualizations drive smarter workflows, more efficient classification and better QC so eDiscovery projects stay on time and on budget. Part I of a three-part blog series reviews how data visualizations equip eDiscovery practitioners to take control of a data explosion.

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Demystifying eDiscovery using Communications Analysis

Demystifying eDiscovery using Communications Analysis

Mastery over eDiscovery, the legal discovery process in which relevant electronically stored information is identified, preserved, collected, processed, reviewed and produced between parties in a legal proceeding, is becoming a crucial competency for the modern practice of law.

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Demystifying eDiscovery for Data Intelligence

Demystifying eDiscovery for Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence in the context of eDiscovery can have many different meanings. Defined broadly, data intelligence is the quest to organize, analyze, understand, and transform raw data into a format that can tell a story and inform critical legal decision making.

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Demystifying eDiscovery with Data Visualizations

Demystifying eDiscovery with Data Visualizations

The challenge for any legal professional approaching a complex discovery matter is to parse through the mountains of potentially relevant electronically stored information to gain insight and build a narrative that supports their arguments with evidence.

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