

CDS Forensics Team Stats

CDS’s forensics team has worked on projects in all 50 states, in all EU member states, and in locations across six continents

The team has over 125 years of combined investigative experience

CDS is capable of complete or targeted collections from a full range of data sources

CDS’s forensics team has worked on projects in all 50 states, in 27 of the 28 EU member states, and in locations across six continents

The team has over 100 years of combined investigative experience

CDS is capable of complete OR targeted collections from a full range of data sources

CDS Forensic Services offers a comprehensive range of forensic collection, analysis, and advisory services. The team is capable of forensically sound and targeted acquisitions of nearly every form of data including mobile devices, cloud storage, and social media sites.

Our forensic experts provide highly specialized analysis for clients involved in matters of all degrees of sensitivity. Forensic analysis is particularly helpful in cases involving areas of serious contention including intellectual property theft, employer/employee breach of contract cases, or in cases involving employee misconduct. These specialized services are tailored to a client’s specific needs and are accomplished in a targeted and confidential manner.

CDS technicians are experienced in international and domestic data collections and examinations. Our investigators provide technical services and expert opinions to private corporations, government and intelligence agencies, and law firms. Members of the CDS forensics team have provided expert testimony in court cases.

Remote Employee Departures: Is Your Company Data Safe?

Remote Employee Departures: Is Your Company Data Safe?

In the era of remote work, it’s easy for a departing employee to take valuable IP – intentionally or unintentionally – after termination. Before company information ends up in competitors’ hands, organizations should prepare for employee departures with data security top of mind.

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