This 2024 Midyear Meeting of Working Group 11 on Data Security and Privacy Liability will feature Managing Director, William Wallace Belt Jr., Esq., on a panel focused on Potential AI Projects Update.
The panel will present, and lead a dialogue with WG11 membership in attendance, regarding the proposal of the current WG11 AI brainstorming group that a drafting team be formed to prepare a Commentary regarding certain statutory clarifications and/or interpretations that the brainstorming group believes are needed in order for the Colorado Privacy Act (Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 6-1-1301 et seq.) and Colorado AI Law (Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 6-1-1701 et seq.) to be read consistently with one another when a business is using AI in the hiring process. In addition, the panel will present and/or seek feedback from the WG11 membership regarding other AI-related privacy and/or data security legal issues that might be the basis for forming future WG11 AI brainstorming groups.
In addition to the Potential AI Projects Update panel, the 2024 Midyear Meeting of Working Group 11 on Data Security and Privacy Liability’s focus will be on new drafts and brainstorming group outlines in need of WG11 member review and comment, including Potential Second Edition of the Commentary on Law Firm Data Security, Online Tracking, Individual Liability for Data Security Failures, and more.
The Sedona Conference will seek CLE accreditation for this meeting in selected jurisdictions, as dictated by attendance.