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Demystifying eDiscovery for Greater Productivity

Demystifying eDiscovery for Greater Productivity

Electronic discovery is a data-driven, technology-dependent endeavor, but the most vital, valuable component rests entirely with human beings. Attorneys, project managers and litigation support professionals are responsible for the crucial coding decisions, productions and presentations that support or refute the legal arguments in a matter.

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Demystifying eDiscovery using Communications Analysis

Demystifying eDiscovery using Communications Analysis

Mastery over eDiscovery, the legal discovery process in which relevant electronically stored information is identified, preserved, collected, processed, reviewed and produced between parties in a legal proceeding, is becoming a crucial competency for the modern practice of law.

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Demystifying eDiscovery for Data Intelligence

Demystifying eDiscovery for Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence in the context of eDiscovery can have many different meanings. Defined broadly, data intelligence is the quest to organize, analyze, understand, and transform raw data into a format that can tell a story and inform critical legal decision making.

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Benefits of Managed Review for Federal Agencies

Benefits of Managed Review for Federal Agencies

When addressing document review in the Federal space, agencies can come up against serious challenges. From budgetary limitations to data security, ramping up a team of attorneys to review documents on a tight time frame and on projects with ever changing scope can seem like a daunting undertaking for stakeholders and contract officers alike.

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Demystifying eDiscovery from the First Look

Demystifying eDiscovery from the First Look

For most attorneys and litigation support professionals, their first look at potentially relevant electronically stored information (ESI) occurs after data has been preserved, collected, processed and loaded into a review platform. This crucial stage in any eDiscovery matter helps inform review strategies, the need for further collection and ultimately, production deadlines.

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Demystifying eDiscovery with Data Visualizations

Demystifying eDiscovery with Data Visualizations

The challenge for any legal professional approaching a complex discovery matter is to parse through the mountains of potentially relevant electronically stored information to gain insight and build a narrative that supports their arguments with evidence.

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The Benefit of Pilot Programs to the Federal Government

The Benefit of Pilot Programs to the Federal Government

For government agencies, pilot programs are a great way to experiment with new technology. Frequently, there are questions around implementation, access and overall functionality. Implementing a pilot program allows an agency to identify these challenges early, develop synergy with their provider and define the service model that will be necessary for larger scale adoption.

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Developing Technological Competence in the Digital Age of Law

Developing Technological Competence in the Digital Age of Law

Competence is the ethical foundation upon which everything we do as lawyers is based. To be competent is to have the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully. Traditionally, lawyers do this by refining their specific areas of expertise and pursuing continuing legal education.

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