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Automating eDiscovery Reporting with AutoReport

Automating eDiscovery Reporting with AutoReport

Legacy manual reporting methods required the running of database scripts, saved searches, exports and compilation of metrics, often across platforms to provide eDiscovery snapshots in time. AutoReport allows for the scheduling and automated delivery of detailed metrics reporting directly from Relativity.

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Automating eDiscovery with Active Learning AutoRanking

Automating eDiscovery with Active Learning AutoRanking

Narrowing down the universe of relevant documents as quickly as possible to expedite review and production is the greatest challenge in any eDiscovery matter. AutoRank allows clients to fully realize the benefits of Relativity Active Learning at any stage of the search, review, and production process while maintaining the flexibility to review documents based on matter-specific production priorities.

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Automating eDiscovery with QC Overturn AutoTracker

Automating eDiscovery with QC Overturn AutoTracker

Overturn reporting can be a tedious, manual process, often performed on a weekly basis to avoid excessive professional service charges. AutoTracker integrates with the RelativityOne workspace to automate the process of tracking and reporting reviewer overturns.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at BakerHostetler LLP: A Case Study

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at BakerHostetler LLP: A Case Study

CDS’ Michelle Kell interviewed Lauren Resnick, Chief Practice Partner at BakerHostetler, who describes the extensive work that the firm has done in recent years to build out their Infrastructure and evolve their talent management practices to move the needle on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

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5 Proactive Steps Toward GDPR Compliance

5 Proactive Steps Toward GDPR Compliance

Whether the business you represent has privacy challenges or just wants to do the right thing, global data privacy expert Jonathan Armstrong of Cordery shares five key things to consider when it comes to data privacy and staying ahead of GDPR compliance.

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The Evolving Role of AI in Protecting Data Privacy

The Evolving Role of AI in Protecting Data Privacy

Global privacy expert Jonathan Armstrong of Cordery addressed the role of analytics and AI in identifying and protecting data in our recent webinar, Global Data Privacy Update: GDPR Walks the Walk. This blog, adapted from his comments, is the second of a 3-part series.

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GDPR Gets Interesting

GDPR Gets Interesting

CDS’ Chris O’Connor and global privacy expert Jonathan Armstrong of Cordery recently discussed the latest developments in GDPR review, regulation and enforcement. Read on for a lightly edited transcript of their discussion, Part 1 of a 3-part series.

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