Managing Data Privacy Risk: 4 Critical Questions for Lawyers

Managing Data Privacy Risk: 4 Critical Questions for Lawyers

Between protecting personally identifiable information (PII), the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), avoiding phishing and ransomware attacks, and GDPR sanctions, lawyers and law firms have a lot to be concerned about. In light of this complex landscape of surging data, litigation, and regulatory obligations, where do the risks really lie?

Lessons from GDPR: What to Expect for the Future of U.S. Data Privacy

Lessons from GDPR: What to Expect for the Future of U.S. Data Privacy

Since January 1, 2023, six U.S. states have enacted stringent privacy protections and many more are actively debating proposed laws and regulations. Considering the climate for litigation and regulatory enforcement in the U.S., what should we expect to see in the coming months and years? 

Data Privacy: The Current State of GDPR

Data Privacy: The Current State of GDPR

In the five years since GDPR went into effect, data privacy has become a top consideration for global businesses. What have we learned from the enforcement of international data privacy regulations to date, and what is the state of GDPR today? UK-based privacy expert Jonathan Armstrong offers an update from the front lines.

Self-Service Data Processing: Turning eDiscovery From a Cost Center to a Profit Center

Self-Service Data Processing: Turning eDiscovery From a Cost Center to a Profit Center

Large internal eDiscovery teams often manage their own data processing, and use outside expert services for complicated data sets or when large matters require additional resources. Learn how RelativityOne’s Import/Export tool allows users to drag and drop data directly into their Relativity workspace for full document processing.

Streamlining Review of Short Message Data for Investigations 

Streamlining Review of Short Message Data for Investigations 

Chat platforms benefit employee collaboration, but short message data formats also present unique challenges to courts, eDiscovery practitioners and internal compliance teams tasked with running investigations. Fortunately, advanced data visualizations can be used to streamline the review of short message content data for investigative purposes.

FOIA Backlogs Put Government Agencies in a Bind

FOIA Backlogs Put Government Agencies in a Bind

The volumes and types of data that government agencies must manage continue to rise exponentially, while statutory deadlines for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests remain unchanged, putting additional pressure on agencies facing increasing volumes of records and growing backlogs of requests.